ASME Lead Volunteer:  Arnold Feldman
ASME Staff:  Robert Rains

ASME agrees to participate in this cooperative project among the Founders Societies to engage in a project entitled “Founders Societies Technologies for Carbon Management.”  This collaborative effort was initially undertaken and coordinated by AIChE on the premise that the societies should have a larger voice in the discussion related to climate change, more specifically, carbon emissions mitigation or management.  This project will be a successful compliment to existing ASME activities targeted at the issue of climate change and energy in general.

Included in the AIChE proposal to the United Engineering Foundation (UEF) is the expectation that ASME will take a lead role in planning and facilitating two Congressional noontime briefings for the purpose of educating policymakers and staff of activities within the project   As always, these briefings may not be construed necessarily as an endorsement of the views presented, or the technology practices highlighted, but rather, as an educational tool to inform policymakers of the options available to ward off environmental challenges.

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